Network Emulation


NS-TEmu™ SDN Emulator

Scalability is an important feature in networking. It is impractical to configure and test massive networks such as IoT networks before deployment. Network Emulation allows NS-T® developers to test and analyze any size network before deploymnet.

NS-T® is an active contributor in the development community of Software Defined Network (SDN) emulation tools. We developed NS-TEmu™ ontop of the "Mininet SDN Simulator" to help in our development of dense and traffic resilient Software Defined Network (SDN) systems.

Recent SDN approaches explore network virtualization and programmability which advances the way networks can be designed and operated, including user-defined features and real-time behaviour.

NS-TEmu™ is our tool for emulating wired and wireless OpenFlow/SDN scenarios allowing complex experiments that replicate real networking environments.

#NS-T for SDN


Featured Articles

Network Security

Live Intrusion Obliviation Network (L.I.O.N.)

May 25, 2015

Project "Lion" is an autonomous (time driven) sensor network for smart homes that can activate functions by set times and signals. The features can appear as variables of time, weather, or interference on the network. Autonomy is essential in Smart Homes; it enables periodic elements to be decoupled from random processes. Lion is a growing project with features that evolve with new technology.

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Sports Analytics

Digital Basketball Trainer (DBT #22)

Aug. 26th, 2015

"DBT #22" is a Computerized Basketball Training System. Guided by Artificial Intelligence we are designing a system that will take Basketball training to the next level. In this system of training, we start by analysing the athlete that wants undergo basketball training and then build them to reach a professional level of training, grading them on their skill level as they progress; determining their true position...

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